Peace is More (2004)

Peace is More is sung by Voce.

Voce members: Mary Beth Egan, Marie Lysandrou, Stefani Moorman, Heidi Racioppo, Joanne Still, Shirley Hoffman Warren

PeaceIsMore.mp3  2:00

Peace is more than the absence of war;
     you've got to crawl under your brother's skin.
You've got to stretch your mind, and be more than kind,
     to really see what kind of place he's in.
Peace is more than the absence of war,
     but the absence of war would be a mighty fine place to begin.

Peace is more than the absence of war;
     you've got to peek into your sister's heart.
Looking through her eyes, you might realize
     that your positions aren't so far apart.
Peace is more than the absence of war,
     but the absence of war would be a mighty fine place to start.

Peace is more than the absence of war;
     I need to look inside myself to see
Why my point of view seems to threaten you;
     it shouldn't hurt so much to disagree.
Peace is more than the absence of war,
     but the absence of war would be a mighty fine thing to see.

-- Shirley Hoffman Warren

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